- To the team at the Musée International d'Horlogerie de la Chaux-de-Fonds, in particular Mr. Ludwig Oeschlin, Mr. Piguet and Miss Cécile Aguillaume. The pleasure of having access to the museum's fabulous archives is matched only by the quality of the welcome I receive on my many visits.
- To Mr. Antoine Simonin, of Neuchâtel, whose bookshop always conceals a hidden treasure.
- For the period 1920-1960, I relied on the Revue Internationale d'Horlogerie and the Journal Suisse d'Horlogerie. I was also guided by three fundamental works. They are :
- Les Ebauches, deux siècles d'histoire horlogère, by Philippe de Coulon, Editions de la Baconnière, 1951
- La Société Générale de l'Horlogerie Suisse S.A., by Frédéric Baumann, published by ASUAG in 1956
- Une entreprise horlogère du Val de Travers: Fleurier Watch Co. S.A., by François Jequier, Editions de la Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Neuchâtel, 1972
- For the period 1960-1998, I also drew on the Journal Suisse Horlogerie and two more recent works:
- Une région, une passion : l'horlogerie. A company: Longines, by Jacqueline Henry Bédat, published by Longines in 1992
- and the remarkable Omega Saga by Marco Richon, published by Omega in 1998.